Worship at Grace
Our worship is centered on celebrating Holy Communion and Holy Scripture. We have two Sunday services, a Rite I service at 8:30am without music, and a Rite II service at 10:30am with organ and choir. During the summer months, there is one combined Rite II service with organ but no choir. Our liturgy and music tend to be more traditional Episcopal and Anglican; however, we occasionally enjoy music from other Christian traditions. All are welcome, including children, are welcomed at Communion.
The Rector is usually assisted by one of our two Deacons, by our Lectors and Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and of course our active corps of Acolytes. Worship is enhanced by our talented organist who also directs the faithful members of a four-part choir. We are especially proud of our two-manual Austin organ which was originally installed in 1960, and has recently been refurbished. A small bell choir performs for special services during the Christmas season. Fellowship is shared after the services at Coffee Hour, and in months with five Sundays, a Fifth-Sunday Potluck.
Sunday Service times
Rite I – 8:30 AM
Rite II – 10:30 AM
Coffee Hour: 11:45 AM